IT Support for Southern California Businesses

Pokerchip Letter

Are You Taking an Expensive Gamble With Your Company’s IT Security?

Take This Quick Quiz To Find Out:

  1. Are you *just* using antivirus software to secure your network? Antivirus is nearly obsolete and useless as a stand-alone defense against the sophisticated ransomware attacks happening now.
  2. Do you have VERIFIED daily backups of your data? Does your IT team conduct regular “fire drill” test restores to see if the backups are actually working? Do you even know if this is being done?
  3. Can your IT company/team produce a formal, written, multistep process for securing your network and RECOVERING from a ransomware attack? Ask to see it; even if you don’t fully understand it, the “tell” is if they can’t produce it or make excuses and try to dismiss your request.
  4. Are your employees’ workstations and devices truly LOCKED DOWN to prevent them from downloading files and accessing applications that can compromise your network? If not, you’re at HIGH RISK for having an employee accidentally invite a hacker in.

Do you have a qualified third party auditing your IT company or team’s security protocols and systems? No one should proofread their own work – and you as the CEO should insist on this instead of just taking them at their word that everything is “fine.”

If you CANNOT confidently say “Yes” to these questions, or if you don’t know the answers, this letter is of critical importance to you.

My name is Anthony, President of Captain IT. We’re an IT support company located here in Southern California that provides outsourced IT services, support, and cyber security solutions to businesses like yours.

In the past few months, we’ve seen the most aggressive uptick in ransomware attacks on small businesses in our lifetime. I’m sure you’ve already heard the recent news stories about big companies getting hit – but what you might not know is that small businesses are getting ransomed more frequently, and the attacks are getting more aggressive and costly.

According to, 51% of businesses surveyed reported being hit by ransomware in 2020, and this year the number is growing. Maybe you have already been hit and survived, which has left you feeling “safe.” But what you don’t realize is that you have identified yourself as a target THAT WILL PAY. It’s very likely they will come back to you, because to the hackers, you are a paying client – 68% of companies that have been hit WILL BE TARGETED AGAIN!

Based on what we’re seeing, it’s not a matter of “if” but WHEN you’ll experience a cyber-attack.

I don’t mean to frighten you, but to educate and offer help so you are able to minimize the cost, downtime, and damages rather than be caught completely unprepared and suffer substantial losses – which is why I’m writing you today and extending this offer…

Our Free And Confidential Cyber Security Risk Assessment Will Give You The Answers You Want, The Certainty You Need

For a limited time, we are giving away a Free Cyber Security Risk Assessment to businesses in our area. This is confidential, entirely free, and without obligation.

Here’s How It Works: We will have a brief, nontechnical conversation about your company’s IT security. We’ll ask you a few questions that you should easily be able to answer. Depending on what we discover, we can move to the next step, which is to conduct a quick, non-invasive, CONFIDENTIAL investigation of your computer network, backups, and security protocols.

Your time investment is minimal: [30 minutes] for the initial consultation and one hour in the second meeting to go over what we discover. When this Risk Assessment is complete, here’s what you will know:

  • If your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, ransomware and even sabotage by rogue employees.
  • If your current backup would allow you to be up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files – 99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed failed this test.
  • If you and your employees’ login credentials are being sold on the dark web right now and what to do about it (I can practically guarantee they are due to a recent 8.4 billion credentials being sold on the dark web. What we find will shock you).

If we find problems, we will tell you what they are and prepare a Security Action Plan, for free, on how to remediate the situation; and if you choose, we can assist you in its implementation.

After doing this for 10 years, I can practically guarantee I will find significant and preventable security loopholes in your network and problems with your backups. Like Sherlock Holmes, we never fail. If nothing else, our Risk Assessment is an easy and cheap (free) way to get a valid third party to verify your security.

Fill out the form above to start planning your assessment and you will also be provided with our new Executive Report titled “7 Urgent Security Protections Every Business Should Have In Place Now.”

Dedicated to your peace of mind,

Anthony Hernandez
CEO/President, Captain IT

Complete This Form to Claim Your Free Cybersecurity Assessment

  • Need an expert like me to assess your network and show how Captain IT can help you? Fill Out the Form Below and I'll Reach Out ASAP!

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Protect Your Business with Our IT Security Solutions Today!